30. 7. 2024
Learning from the old masters: Superimpose weave function in ArahWeave
Superimpose weave is a technique for constructing new weaves by layering one or more weaves on top of the other. In the video below we used an example from Oscarre Giudici’s book Tessuti di Lana e di Cotone, published by Ulrico Hoepli in 1925 in Milano.
We added the Superimpose weave function to ArahWeave so now you can create these types of weaves quickly and effortlessly!
You can pick between three types of superimposing:
1. + add elements of the superimposed weave, while keeping the bottom weave intact
2. – removes elements from your bottom weave that overlap with the superimposed weave
3. [invert] elements of the superimposed weave are inverted on the bottom weave
Check this video on our social media to learn how to use it: