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software updates Tag

Create nuove armature con funzione quadruplica

In the ArahWeave Weave Editor window use the quadruple function for the simple creation of quadruple weaves with clockwise or anticlockwise rotation. This is one of the classical approaches for creating complex weaves. To use it draw a simple weave, go to Edit > Quadruple, select...


Copia-incolla armatura e immagine in ArahWeave

Copy-paste is a very useful function, and we added it to ArahWeave in several windows. Now you can copy/paste images and weaves. We added the copy/paste function in the: main weave editor double weave editor jacquard conversion (for jacquard image and for selected weave) saving...


Aggiornamenti del software Arahne 2021

It's time to upgrade your Arahne software to the latest version and get all the fancy new features! In the previous year, we have made significant improvements, bug fixes, and new functions in ArahWeave, ArahPaint6, ArahDrape, and ArahView3D. Due to the requirement from our customers to...


Nuovo dialogo per la selezione di file in ArahWeave e ArahDrape

With the new file selection dialog, working in ArahWeave and ArahDrape is even faster and more convenient. The file selection dialog has been improved significantly. Many new features were added, such as: "Breadcrumbs" change directory system. Simply click on the path to change the directory in...


Nuovi Aggiornamenti del Software Arahne 2020

One year is around and new software features are ready for you to start using them. Despite COVID-19 restrictions, our office remained open the whole time and function normally, so we were able to work on software, fix old bugs, and develop new features. Some of...