Discover new features in Arahne software
We issued a new short document containing a selection of new features developed throughout the last year, from January 2023 to January 2024. You will find new interesting functions in ArahWeave and ArahPaint software that will help you with your design and weaving processes.
In ArahWeave you will find a whole new collection of wrinkles, that you can use to enhance your fabric simulation. In collaboration with Nix Sensor Ltd., we have added support for the Nix Spectro 2, portable spectrophotometer, allowing you to measure your colors directly in ArahWeave. You can view the weaves in several coloring modes to help you with the construction of different weaves, including multi-layered ones. You can rotate a pattern in Jacquard conversion window at a certain angle while maintaining the seamless repeat. In ArahPaint we added new shading algorithms and a whole collection of Truchet tiles for creating random patterns. With the new Blanket label feature in ArahWeave you can weave a blanket from jacquard fabric with each section labeled separately!
There are several new short videos that demonstrate how to use some of the new features and there is much more. Click on the image below, to open the PDF document presenting the new functions with descriptions on how to use them.
If you are interested in the software upgrade, contact us via our E-mail: arahne@arahne.si
If you have valid yearly support, contact us and we will send you the update file.