New features in Arahne software
As customary at the beginning of every year, we prepared a short document presenting a selection of new features developed from January 2022 till January 2023.
New features have been developed in ArahWeave and ArahPaint. In ArahWeave you will find support and improvements for new textile machinery, such as Picanol and Bonas CI jacquard controllers. You can now easily copy and paste weaves, images, and HTML data inside ArahWeave and from ArahWeave to other programs. You can calculate fabric price directly in variants. In Save cards for production, you can now create irregular skipped hooks map based on Initial warp density and Desired warp density.
In ArahPaint6 we added a completely new tool for drawing with gradients in different directions and styles, you can arrange layers and edit them, control the spacing in the text, you can draw with transparency on selection and main image, use the fill tool with two colors and gradient effect, and much more.
We have also added new translations in ArahWeave, Polish and Portuguese. ArahPaint6 User’s manual is translated into simplified and traditional Chinese and ArahPaint6 software is now also available in Portuguese.
We are also excited to present our latest product, ArahWeave Selvedge Edition, for selvedge design and weaving.
And there is much more. Click on the image below, to open the PDF document presenting the new functions with descriptions on how to use them.
If you are interested in the software upgrade, contact us via our E-mail: arahne@arahne.si
If you have valid yearly support, contact us and we will send you the update file.